



Experimental Study on the Influence of Hydraulic Fracturing Path on Crack Propagation of Hydraulic Fracturing
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    为深入探究煤岩体弹塑性对结构弱面的影响效果,按照起裂位置、压裂方向与层理方向的组合关系开展了压裂试验,利用非金属超声探测仪和声发射对压裂过程进行监测,从裂纹扩展形态、缝宽、渗透流量等方面对压裂效果进行综合评价,并从能量角度进行了相应解释。试验结果显示,顶板覆岩起裂优于本煤层起裂,垂直层理压裂优于平行层理压裂。垂直层理方向的压裂效果最好,裂纹扩展形态更为复杂,呈"O"字形,其渗透系数均值为6.6 mm/s,是平行层理的1.10倍。裂纹由顶板覆岩起裂越界传递至煤块,相同起裂能量情况下可在煤块中形成3.08~3.38倍的当量长度裂纹。


    In order to deeply explore the effect of coal rock mass elastic-plastic deformation on structu-ral weak planes, fracturing experiments were conducted according to the combination relationship of crack initiation position, fracturing direction, and bedding direction. Non-metallic ultrasonic detectors and acoustic emission were used to monitor the fracturing process, and the fracturing effect was comprehensively evaluated from the aspects of crack propagation morphology, crack width, and permeability flow rate. Corresponding explanations were given from the perspective of energy. The experimental results show that the fracturing of the overlying strata is better than that of the coal seam, and vertical bed-ding fracturing is better than parallel bedding fracturing. The fracturing effect is best in the vertical bedding direction, and the crack propagation morphology is more complex, forming an "O" shape. Its ave-rage permeability coefficient is 6.6 mm/s, which is 1.10 times that of parallel bedding. The cracks propagate from the overlying rock of the roof to the coal block, and under the same initiation energy, 3.08 to 338 times equivalent length cracks can be formed in the coal block.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-11-18
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-14
  • 出版日期: 2024-12-25